Friday, May 17, 2013

New Mexico

I've had an awesome time here in New Mexico! I got to spend tons of time with my best friend, Jovanna and her kids. They are awesome! I just love them! I got to see my brother get his ged and Jovanna graduate from college!! I'm so proud!
It has been kind of sad as well. My parents divorce was final about a week before I came up. I helped my dad buy things fir his new place. Mom keeps taking about random stuff that I don't necessarily want to hear. Hearing them both talk about each other and then saying they don't want the other person to hate them or's really hard. Mom gave me a bunch of jewelry that dad gave her. She's going to give the wedding rings to us kids...I dunno....this is just weird. I'm trying not to pick sides and I'm trying to stay neutral but it seems like they think because I'm an adult they can confide in me....I don't mind per say...but it's just hard. They've been together for so long.....I've been gone for 7 years and away from the drama that the boys have to deal with day in and day out. It's not cool. Not in the least. I'm not sure what to do our how to act...soon my mom will be in Idaho and dad will be selling the house. No more home to come home to. How do you deal with that? How do you act or react to something like this? I have no clue. I don't even know where to start.

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