Monday, March 4, 2013


So my parents are coming to visit me for spring break. I'm excited. I feel bad though because I kept asking and asking and bugging them. They finally gave in and said yes. I hope it won't be awkward. They will be getting a divorce soon after 26 years of marriage. sucks. But as long as they are happy, I guess that's all that matters.
Now that they are coming I've got to clean my house. I need to steam clean my carpets, make sure the bedding on the guest bed is clean...all that good stuff.
I've been doing laundry while simultaneously working the front office. I work in the storage industry and my apartment is attached to the office. I can't wait to move! Living at work is not fun. Especially when it's not your own business. I'm always here and it sucks. You need time away from your job.

Sprint has had really crappy service all day. I haven't been getting texts or calls and neither has Gabriel or his sister. I'm waiting on her to come over and pick up a letter I write for her to take to court tomorrow. Anyways, I've been trying to call her and nothing....sprint really sucks. I feel we've had nothing but problems since switching to them and it's basically the same price as AT&T. I'm thinking that we should switch back to AT&T but that's not really an option. Well it is, it would just have to go in my name.
Just as an fyi my brain jumps all over the place and switches topics really quickly....if you haven't noticed hahaha.

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